The mod was tested with version and works with all of the in-game texture quality settings. Titled Shadow of the Tomb Raider Nude mod (Booty Edition) and created by modder ‘JOSTAR MOD’, this mod introduces 25+ sexy outfits alongside multiple naked versions of Lara. As such, I am a bit surprised that it took modders almost seven months in order to release a proper nude mod for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. If I recall correctly, the first big nude mod that came out on the PC was for the first Tomb Raider game (everyone wanted to see Lara’s triangular boobs back in the 90s). Thankfully, at least for some people, that’s about to change as the first proper nude mod has been released for it.

The community there is awsome and will advice you with very good info as well wich is critical sometimes when adding mods to your games.Shadow of the Tomb Raider was released in September 2018 and since then there hasn’t been any nude mod for it. You might want to register for to take part on the forums, have support and make friends. If I am not mistaken, Nexus-mods by Black Tree Gaming still had some 'visiual' mods for sottr but I am not sure if i't still up there, you might want to look there first. Olso look if any mods are updated and the developer have at least a instruction how to install it.

Though there are very good moddifications of games around out there in this huge universe of coding, I suggest try to guugle around to maby understand that your game might be totaly deleted if you are not aware with the risks.

That means that code will be overwritten and or deleted by files other then recommended, even if its is 'just visiuals'. Yes, mods can mess with gamefiles simply because they are 'mods' wich mean a modification of some files to obtain and or circumstance basic files originaly written by the developers.