Can I store Mapbox maps data permanently? View our help guides to see accepted file types and transfer limits. Tilesets are lightweight collections of vector data that are optimized for rendering and are not editable, but can be styled in the Mapbox Studio style editor.

Datasets provide access to feature geometries (points, lines, and polygons) and properties (attributes), both of which can be edited in the Mapbox Studio dataset editor or through the Mapbox Datasets API. Yes, you can upload both Datasets and Tilesets. View the complete list of languages we fully support. Mapbox Streets supports the name field (the name or names used locally for the place) globally and thus Mapbox maps have partial language coverage for over 100 local languages and we continue to add to these over time. In this tileset, there are different name fields for each of the label layers.

All of our data sources are detailed here: What languages do you support?Īll Mapbox template maps use the Mapbox Streets vector tileset for map features.